Honorary Patron
Marek Sowa - Marszalek Województwa Małopolskiego
Aleksander Palczewski - Małopolski Kurator Oświaty |
Honorary Patron


Strategic Partner


updated 24.4.2013, 20:00 |
Organizers |
TIB (Slovakia)
Oddział Małopolski PTI
Platform: | Baltie contest platform (like district and regional round). Tasks will be in the national language. |
Date: | 26 - 28 April 2013 |
Place: |
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Uczelniane Centrum Informatyki, Al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland
Program: |
- Friday:
PTSM "Oleandry":
15:00 - 17:30 lunch/dinner
AGH, pavilon D17, Centrum Informatyki, ul. Kawiory 21:
17:30 - 17:55 registration
18:00 - 18:30 opening ceremony
18:30 - 19:15 student program presentations
- Saturday:
7:30 - 8:45 breakfast (PTSM Oleandry)
9:00 - contestant registration (AGH, UCI, Al. Mickiewicza 30, C1)
9:30 - 12:30 contest (AGH, UCI, Al. Mickiewicza 30, C1, Gimnazjum nr 16 w Krakowie, Konarskiego 2)
12:00 - 13:45 lunch (Gimnazjum nr 16 w Krakowie, Konarskiego 2)
14:15 - trip to "Wieliczka" Salt Mine (the Tourist rout takes 3 hours, the whole trip about 4:30 hours)
19:00 - dinner (PTSM Oleandry)
- Sunday:
7:30 - 8:30 breakfast
9:00 - common foto (AGH, Centrum Informatyki, Kawiory 21, sala D17)
9:30 - 10:30 closing ceremony (AGH, Centrum Informatyki, Kawiory 21, sala D17)
Map of events...
Accommodation: | PTSM "Oleandry", Kraków
▪ maps and city transport info in Krakow www.jakdojade.pl
Deadlines: |
11 April - end of registrations (please nominate your students here...).
17 April - end of payments.
Fees Kraków: |
▪ participation fee 80 zł (pay all contestants, teachers and any accompanying person)
▪ optional - accommodation 30 zł/night, car/bus parking free
▪ optional - meals: 8 zł breakfast, 14 zł lunch/dinner
▪ optional - trip to "Wieliczka" Salt Mine (ticket+transport) adults 62 zł, children 5-15 years 40 zł
▪ for your information - individual dinner in the downtown costs 15-30 zł
Registration and payments: |
Teachers, please log in and click on "Detailed enrollments"
("Kompletne zgłoszenia" / "Detailní přihlášky") in the left menu.
Then fill out a detailed information:
1. Personal information - click on the figure icon
2. Fees - fill the checkboxes and immediately you will see the amount of money to be paid.
3. Click "+" to add the accompanying person.
4. Invoice. Click "+" to create new invoice.
5. When you are finished with the preparation of invoice, lock it, and you can view it (click on the printer icon).
6. Make the money bank transfer.
7. When you see the invoice number, you can print it out.
All payments must be made by bank transfer:
▪ Slovakia bank (€) : 2300121700 / 8330   (1 zł = 0,25 €), variabilný symbol = SID
▪ Polish bank (zł): 50 1020 5558 1111 1335 0680 1235, symbol ruchowy (tytul) = SID, odbiorca TIB
We inform that we can not return any payment. Therefore, pay only when you are sure that all
registered persons will really go.
Status of applications: |
Nomination, registration and payment process status can be seen in the
Status of applications where the contestants are marked:
red - registered contestant (by a teacher)
blue - contestants whose nomination has been confirmed by the organizer
green - contestants that are fully registered and have already paid all of the fees
Fees in other contest venue: |
▪ basic fee 25 zł/150 Kč/6 € pay all contestants
▪ additional fee - is defined by Organizer of that Contest venue
▪ contest in another registered Contest venue must be held on 27 April from 10:00 and must be attended by students from at least 5 different schools, the results will be included in official international results
Contact: |
Write us...,
or call +48 797 739 626, +420 608 732 456