Current contests

Basic information about contest and Baltie contest platform here...
  • Contest form: on-line, the only formal errors are displayed, no program errors (S,G,T) are displayed.
  • Contest duration: 150 minutes.
  • Minimum number of jury members from different schools (competing in the regional round!) in the contest place: 5.
  • Nomination: the teacher itself will determine how many contestants from each of categories enrolls to this round (with respect to the capacity of the contest place). In case of lack of computers in the selected contest place takes precedence competitor with a better ranking in the "Nomination".
  • Termin group's work: in the planning term for a group please note to ensure that in any case not exceed the red line which determines the maximum number of competitors in a given time!
  • Important notice:
    The contest can take place in several places in the region, at the same time or at a different time. However, in order to ensure that no one in the school (students, teachers) knows the content of tasks before the pupils start in this school, you must satisfy the following conditions:
    - all competitors from one school must work at the same time,
    - if any teacher (with SGP account ) from school which students participate in this round of the contest teaches in more schools, then all competitors from these schools must work at the same time,
    - if the teacher is a member of the commission, then all contestants from all of his/her schools must work at the same time, the working group that his/her commission monitors.
  • The remaining part of the proposition is the same as in the last year region round, here...

Have you found any mistake on this page or do you have any question about this round of the contest?    Write us...